Friday 11 November 2016

Eating - A conscious life experience (Part 2)

It is a Friday night and I am thinking it is a good time for an update 

(since Conscious Eating (start))

To start, I am going to wind time back another week, to last Friday when my oldest daughter was playing summer season netball.  For those who don’t know, netball is a winter sport so the summer season is a ‘light’ version.  A chance for players to keep their skills and fitness up.  Kind of keeping their thumb in the pie but minus the extra bits like cream, garnish, fruit and whatever else usually goes with a pie.  But I’m talking about netball, right?
Anyway, here I am, I got to the courts and delivered Elliot to the courts in time for warm up and sitting in the café eating chips and gravy with a coffee.

I had had a later lunch between 1.30 & 2.30pm, so at 7pm I was a little hungry but I could easily have waiting until I got home around 8.30 or 9pm.  So, why had I arrived here and suddenly wanted to have something to eat?!

I know that part of the influence was environmental, sitting down in the eating space where the most popular purchases were ... surprise surprise  ... hot chips and coffees.  So this, coupled with a bit of hunger and wanting to have a bit of 'time out' all came together nicely.  What I know however, was that the bigger part of what drove my actual decision to buy chips and coffee was wanting to sooth myself.

Self soothing is such a big topic and one I often explore within myself, with others and particularly when helping parents with the little people in their life.  It is complex because soothing isn’t as simple as "do something - it's all better".  No cough drop solutions here - Open it, suck it and its all better.

It really does depend on what is hurting or what part of you is feeling affected.  Is it grumpiness? Or being pouty at not getting to do what you wanted? Is it feelings hurt because someone was mean or shocked you by their action? Or is it yearning for something that is a bit out of reach? Is it feeling alone or empty? Or is it all that and more?

In MiMo, a communication model which provides a framework for a healthy way to talk, the first level is simply called ‘needs’ and focuses on the baby.  When we think of a baby, we understand that we are seeing and hearing communication in the simplest form.  A baby cries and a person can choose to respond.  But responding doesn’t guarantee a calming outcome.  You don’t always know straight away what the little one needs.  Sometimes they want more food, sometimes they need less light or heat.  They may be looking for some play or stimulation but after not even 6 seconds, they may be ready for something more calming.  Finally, and as most parents and carers know, a lot of time is spent rocking, bopping and helping the little one find their calm.

This can be challenging especially when you have other things you want to do in life like go to the toilet! answer a phone call or were desperately hoping for more sleep.  Add to that, the worry many adults have about creating dependency which then leads them to withdraw soothing solutions in order to encourage their children, their babies to become stronger.  But rather like taking stitches out too early, it doesn’t help to take something away before a hurt has healed.

How much do we do this to ourselves? How impatient are we with ourselves to just ‘get over it’ but as a result, we cheat ourselves of time needed to just rest and heal.  Losing honesty of self, missing opportunities to express grumpy, sad, bored and all the rest as well as having soothing time replaced with lots of alternatives such as food or some other distraction.  

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been focusing on what I feel when I look for food at times when I’m not hungry.  Which emotions find me looking for food as a soother?  I know that being angry or frustrated may call for venting or soothing by distraction, however definitely not food.

For me, it is more likely being sad or feeling like I’m in service which isn’t in balance with service for myself.  As my approach to self care improves, and I learn how to respond to my cries and whimpers over the course of the day, not only more accurately but also to the time needed rather than rushing myself through, I am feeling this will go some way to changing if not reducing the frequency with which I look for a pacifier.


1. Continuing the guide points from my last post. Including the 1 serve only of dairy/day​ however I have found that I am not being drawn to dairy as often as I thought was my desire.

2. Water anytime and always. Although I have returned to a 1-2L quantity rather than 3L.  This is partly to do with access to water to refill, partly due to longer time elapsing between refills because I get busy and another factor is not always having easy access to a toilet (because of my 22 mth old being with me) and just not wanting so many toilet stops!

* Enjoying what I eat.  Which has meant often not doing anything else except eating. No television or work or even eating alongside my youngest daughter, because it is so easy to become mindless.  Before I know it a bowl of food can be eaten and I won’t feel that I’ve had anything. 

In case you’re wondering – but has she lost any more weight?
Well, this time the answer is no.  My scales will sometimes settle somewhere in the 109.something range, however not enough for me to say there is a loss of weight over this past 10 days.
My body does feel different somehow.  Maybe it is because I’m more hydrated but some of my skin areas feel softer.  I don’t think I’ve changed shape however I have been curious what changes have been happening internally.
Probably the main difference has been feeling completely fine and not even having a thought for food for longer stretches of time. So, my tummy isn’t squishing in such a way as to get my attention. 
In addition, in between food, I notice the taste of my saliva a lot more.  It is more sweet than savoury. I usually notice it when I am drinking from my water bottle because I have to suck in order to draw it out and as there is a bit of pressure, it draws out saliva in the process.

Over the next couple of weeks I will continue with my explorations and discoveries. 
I’m curious to know what type of food I am most drawn to, now that dairy has reduced its pull.

If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment or question

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