Saturday 13 October 2012

A mixed message!

Some words just danced their way together, and have ended up saying nothing at all.
Fortunately, after listening to some popular music today I can see that this is quite contemporary of me.

"Do you know where you're going to?" is a theme song from an old movie I've never seen - 'Mahogany'.  A pretty song with wistful sentiment.
Is it wistful that I feel when this question arises?  I wonder.
It is not sad nor regretful and yet I do not really wonder nor wait for an answer either. So what is the purpose of a question which you do not want an answer for?

I wonder where I'm going to on days when things are wonder-filled and memorable, both positive and negative and neutral, just little splashes and waves lapping against me.
Personified, they would all have different voices - "look at me" one would call for attention, another would be pouty and turn back, glancing back just long enough to see it had been noticed.  Like little children, wanting their turn to direct the day.

Today I realise that there are some fears, that once faced, need to be turned away from.
"Face your fears" is something I completely support as I believe that "You create that which you fear" so facing what stirs you can help shift the focus.  Cast colour on something that has been a shadow.  Sometimes the simple act of casting light can, in one short moment, dissolve something instantly.  Other times, it becomes clear that the shape that looked so menacing for so long, is in actuality harmless or quite manageable.  It doesn't cease to amaze me how often looking at a fear more closely triggers a smile and humour.  Admittedly, with some fears, especially those linked to security or self-worth, looking and seeing doesn't help one feel better nor dissolve the issue.  It can leave one feeling perplexed and now stressed for the matter seems serious, the hurdle larger than you imagined and worse, you see that the shadow it casts is much bigger than you first thought.
I've always wondered how to deal with these fears.  In the past, I thought it responsible to continue standing there and try again and again to dismantle or manage it.

Today I have taken on the approach which I used to work with so many years ago in workshops and in management groups.
IDENTIFY - Be honest with yourself and recognise the issue, irritation, concern ... anything really.
FOCUS - Look at it closely, clearly and with fresh eyes.  Identify the parts that make it up then
ACT - Action can include so many elements.  Obviously you can act, however asking someone for help is also an action, researching and looking to others experiences is also action and so it goes on.
SUCCEED - celebrate what is achieved and keep moving. 

So with this in mind - with those horrible fears that seem to recur or even evolve and remain with you like a bleach resistant bacteria - TURN AWAY and face the direction you intend to travel.

I'm surprised at how much energy and commitment this turn around calls on. 
The wonderful thing is I know that I can do it :) 
I don't know where I am going to, however I know the direction I am facing and it is bright, colourful and incredibly dynamic.  Every moment a moment of living, pleasure and work all mixed into one.
Years ago I would have been perplexed for the fact I had no answer.  Today, there is just joy knowing, feeling that there is so much already around me and that there is nothing more to know beyond what comes to me.

I may even, one day, work out what this blog is actually for.  Until then, I'll enjoy it for the electronic share practice space it is.

E-Volution.  What fun!

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