Sunday 24 March 2013

Focus and Keep Going

There is a 10min video to watch on presented by Laura Goodrich.

The main point is
"You will get whatever you focus on"

That when you ask people what they want, they will be clearer about what they don't want, rather than be able to put into words what they do want.

Once that is established, the rest will follow.   The points to act to are simple and listed below.  Like with many of our life tasks however, the task itself can be very simple, however the challenge to act consistently for positive change or outcomes can be the greater challenge.  The wonderful thing is - it IS possible - when you want to.  

1.  Make a commitment
Focus on what you want
Say what you want - to yourself as well as to others.  (you speak is most important)

2.  Monitor yourself
Be aware of your focus
Celebrate success
Catch yourself - gently stop, reroute when you find focus fading

3.  Practice
Write it down
Be persistent
Picture it

From an Emotional Health POV I think it is important to acknowledge that when people focus on what they want, often it stirs uncomfortable emotions like doubt, fear, hopelessness etc and so it makes sense they go back to saying/thinking about what they don't want because it is linked to (after years of practice) to feelings of strength, power, hope.  Almost like a cross wire - the positive emotions are being linked to the negative outcome!

It doesn't take alot to reverse it, though the first steps are to be conscious about the focus change and stay committed.  Along the way, if you want to include the emotional element all you have to do if demonstrate the emotion you want linked ... and after a while the brain / body will do it for you.
This is how emotions got linked to tasks in the first place.  Our families demonstrated 'stuff' and linked an emotion to it - and we copied them, hundreds of times.

2 really important things to remember along the way 

Every moment of change is worth it.
Just know this and keep going.  The smallest adjustment maintained and built on will lead to new outcomes. Emotionally, Physically or across other life pathways ie. in relationships, a workplace and so on.  Even as just part of a learning experience, Keep Going.

and that is the the other one - Keep Going
There is a story of Cliff Young, a 61 year old farmer in 1983 who decided to run the Sydney to Melbourne marathon.  There were lots of things he 'didn't have' such as training, appropriate clothing, running experience and the normal rules for running marathons.  What he DID HAVE however was a desire to run the marathon, his feet and body and a constant focus for getting to the end.  Which he did breaking the record by 9 hours.

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