Wednesday 3 July 2013

Your life 'One Hit Wonder'

If you could choose the 'One Hit' in your life - whether it was in your work, a product or technique or a future, yet undefined achievement - what would it be?

AND NOW - with that answer - when would you choose for that to happen?
Right now? or would you rather a couple of years preparation?

Elizabeth Gilbert, writer of "Eat, Pray, Love" talks about life 'hits' and genius and how to live within the thought of success rather than failure. 
(related links listed at the end of this blog)

Elizabeth addresses the concept that in her case, it is very possible, after the great success of her book "Eat, Pray, Love" that her greatest life success is now behind her.   

She gets reminded often, by other peoples questions, that her next 40 years of work could be a failure by comparison of her book.   
We have all heard of artists, writers, creators who have a terrific hit and spend the rest of their life 'chasing' another one.  And yet we are not surprised by this.
Do you remember Boy George and "Do you really want to hurt me?" 

There is another way of looking at this.  

The fun of looking at things another way is that, even the same questions will give us few fresh and new answers.  

What if that 'blockbuster', that hit, that winning piece is simply energy coming together.  A way of the world - saying 'well done' and from now on, if you choose to use it, you have been provided adequate resources - money, contacts and people who are inspired or listen to you - to continue in your lifes work.

For me ... and many people I live, work and share life with .. I know I have no best selling book or revolutionary gym product selling around the world.  As yet, I am in a position of wondering whether I will have a 'one hit wonder', or whether every day is still just part of moving, growing and being.

Let us imagine that your 'life achievement', your single life success 'hit' is still in front of you - what would you choose it to be?  What form would it take?

Would you know the answer?

Keep in mind, that it may then be what you have to talk about, repeat, be prepared to answer questions about potentially for the rest of your life, while moving forward with other things in life.

What would you choose your one 'life success' to be?
Or, do you already know what it must be?

This question excites me.  I'm looking forward to some thinking and inner exploring time over the weekend on this one.

I remember an interview with John Farnham at least 15 years ago now.  There was then some commentary about how other artists can really get frustrated and angry about a general public, even the media who keep going to the 'hits' rather than new work.  He was then asked "Doesn't it annoy you that whenever you perform, doesn't matter how many new hits you have, someone always asks you to sing 'Sadie, the cleaning lady' again?"
John admitted to have had times he wasn't thrilled, and there were certainly times he got 'stuck' still singing in front of no one else but his family, but overall he said "Not at all, it is the song that started everything for me after all.  I will always enjoy performing that - it is like a thank you for the life I have lived, and being able to do what I love every day"

SO - What is the 'one hit wonder' of your choosing?

What is the one life achievement that you would happily talk about for many years to come, which enables you to do and be exactly who you are for the rest of your life?

Related links

Elizabeth Gilbert - Your elusive Genius

John Farnham
Original song 1967

50 years later! (starts ~1.30m)

Boy George 

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