Sunday 21 May 2017

Perspective : Beyond Feelings!

Sit and be ok with sitting.
Must it be either bad? or good? right? or wrong?

For all the things you do not measure - as you need not measure eg. air or skin cells,
There are many  things which you still judge to be wrong or right.
Look at these things.  How many are judgement of others? How many judgement of yourself?
I personally, can accept many parts of my life being in flow.  In practical terms it means if there is suddenly more laundry, less money, more driving to do, less interest in what I have to say - I can move into acceptance and stay in the present moment.  This has happened with practice.
"Over time, not overnight"

The skill of judging what is wrong and right is important.  
It is something that we all must learn in order to make decisions.  Being able to move between the family compass, the social compass and finally your own personal compass takes much attention and practice.  Knowing right from wrong is not as black and white.  However, as you gain that skill, it helps you navigate at times of pressure, confusion or when imposed upon by others.
Can you think of something which is considered right or ok in society? right by you but not right within your family?
What about a contrasting item.  Can you think of something that was considered completely right in your family and in your social and cultural space however completely did not work for you?
In my life, I grew up within a family dynamic where it was acceptable for adults to be angry and expressive of this anger, however there was a clear line between what was expressed in the house and not to be spoken about in public or with anyone else.  It was therefore right to have family experiences which were never shared with others, it was right to keep things private or secret and wrong to talk about bad moods, bad behaviour or anything 'bad' with others.  This was in line with my school and social community, although I could see the defining line was not as far into secrecy as within my family.  However, it was still firmly on the side of 'not airing dirty laundry' unless something illegal was happening.  My personal compass pulled strongly in contrast and it took me at least fifteen years to work out exactly how to work to expressing, sharing and talking about what is happening within a home and alligning it to my inner compass, that it is right to do this and even more, it is healthy for me because it allows and invites further input and learning. Otherwise, I would risk continuing to act as I had been taught because it is all I knew.
"We only know what we know"
Beyond learning how to determine right from wrong, to become attached to doing so all the time is not helpful.  As you emotionally mature and energetically expand, there needs to be a new level of awareness that for what is right at one moment, may be wrong in the next.  It does not change the quality of the decision, but simply be prepared to reevaluate and remain responsive in every moment.

There is a way of feeling and living and doing at the same time.  
Past, present and future in one moment - the holy trinity is in us.
Feelings acknowledge our history, our learnings and experiences. The past.
Living is looking to the moment and staying alive and having the experience in the moment. The present.
Acting moves beyond the present. It is our impact on our world, on the world and energetically, it is a truth which has substance and weight and visibility.  It is our link or outstretched hand into the future

For me personally, publishing this post captures this example. 
My feelings would indicate lack of confidence, caution and even some anxiety.  If I was to act upon my feelings I would not do anything, besides write a note or talk to myself.  I don't want to write and hit 'publish' because it feels unsafe and exposed. However, these feelings are there because of my PAST.  My experiences and times from the past which found me acting, writing, telling others something and a resulting experience of sadness, regret and pain.  

So I focus on the present moment and any stirring and observation I am given in this moment.  There is a sense of this moment, this writing, this expression being perfectly right too.  I am not doing wrong.  Nor am I doing anything else except capturing some thoughts which realistically may be read by two or three people.  So in having my experience of the moment, responsibly and alert and within the PRESENT. I am relaxed, content and happy.
I will therefore act.  In finishing this sentence, doing a spell check and perhaps some minor formatting - I will finish this piece and hit publish.  I do not know whether I will share it on another social media space.  For now, this action will connect this moment with the FUTURE.  Perhaps for the learning. No different to handing in a school assignment or work report, something easily forgotten and possibly never again referred to, however crucial to bringing things together and cementing something learned.  By contrast, perhaps it will be part of a stable foundation, a fundamental step or stone which forms a basis for something in my service, satisfaction and greater contribution.
I may never know any more than it was neither right or wrong, however it was still perfect.