Wednesday 10 February 2016

2016! A cheeky monkey of a year!

As I see it! or in the case of 2016 - As I feel it!

This year will move incredibly quickly.  When opportunities to make decisions arise, there will not be time to sit, contemplate and ponder on the options.  This year will call on all you have already learnt, all you already know and all that you already are.  This makes for an incredible opportunity to really gain clarity in understanding who you are and what you do know and want.  This can be exciting and exhilarating and potentially let you feel as though all the hard personal work of previous years has been worth it.  However, for some people, the realisation that all the hard work has only just scratched the surface of living true and living whole, can leave you feeling empty, bewildered and perhaps despairing because if that wasn't the end, then what is?
So, let us look a little more to the energy in the year before looking further at its impact on you.
The energy of this year will be dynamic and positive.  It will also be forceful and intolerant.  It will make demands on individuals to act, be and live true to what they have thought and spoken about.  There is also a mischief in the air.  This will only play out when or if an individual has been playing with themselves, saying one thing while acting another, doing one thing while tell others or themselves something different.  In the event of contradiction, the energy of the year will build and swirl to reveal these contradictions and poke and play with the individual, only for as long as the contradiction exists.  With allignment or upon making a clearer decision, the energy will move away and play elsewhere.  It is not a troublesome time - but just like a self propelled broom or duster, it will only stay around where things are dusty, unclear and jumbled.
The year of the monkey has quite a monkey in it.  Just like a clever 4 year old, it has the ability to uncover, find and keep its little fingers busy.  It will be drawn to problems, piles and positions of instability and mess, even previously hidden mess, to simply play and pull it apart.  Bringing it to your attention, all for the benefit of tidying up and clearing the way for more important and significant things.  For people who have been avoiding or wishing things will just go away, this may make the first few months of the year feel exposed and erratic and may leave you wondering what you've done to change the ease and stability which you had set up.  It may be that no issue was consciously hidden, it just happened to hide over time and then perhaps become forgotten in between the other parts that make up life.  So it is your life perspective that will make all the difference.
If you see life as suddenly out of control and 'happening' to you, then all or any of these exposures will feel sudden, unwelcome and bewildering.  For those who have the perspective that things are scary and changes are bad until understood, you may feel flung between desperate and energised to try and get things sorted as quickly as possible, to despairing and almost depleted of energy in not knowing what to do or when.  You may end up calling on old habits and old ways of feeling better or distracted, only to find that these ways don't make you feel as they used to.  In the end, you may just end up "keeping on, keeping on" in the hope it will all settle and pass.  By August and September, you can be guaranteed that things will feel better, but not for any other reason except that time has passed and what was chaotic and unstable, will simply now be the norm.
If you want a new norm which appeals to you and your life preferences, this year, you will have to make decisions, act clearly and be consistent.  There is alot of energy in the year to help you create what you wish.  That same energy can also keep things in flux and unstable.  It is up to you how you use it.
So that brings me to the people with the other perspective on life.  That things do 'happen' however it is simply knowing how to respond, navigate and sometimes, how to bring out the positive, that helps life remain an experience and an education.  Sometimes simply knowing how a happening is or can be helpful or useful, is enough.  This isn't about turning everything in life into a positive.  There certainly can be times or events which are simply not a positive experience and no repetition will make it so.  Those same events can be painful and even leave emotional marks and scratches that feel raw and tender anytime you revisit the moment.  This year, those old moments may get reexposed, but stay open and aware of the change in your body, in your heart and in your view.
This year might see more exposure of the past then before, but only because if it doesn't happen to us, we are unlikely to choose a path back to pain.  So, keep a look out for the surprise of difference.
Keep a look out for surprises and different experiences to your expectation.  Especially on topics, issues and past experiences which you would have placed into the filing cabinet of past pain.  This year gives you an opportunity to see these past pains and refile them into less emotionally charged, and potentially more useful categories of lessons or memories.  You may even find that you don't need the story anymore.  This year allows you to practice refiling your own life.  With practice, by April, May you may need fewer reminders or jolts as you get quicker and feel less challenged re sorting your feelings about past experiences.  Can you re file? Can you let stories go, keeping the memory instead?  Are you ok when or if a memory is no longer needed?
This year however, is not only about revisiting or poking at the past.  This year is very supportive and energising towards discovery and bringing together the pieces, into pictures and pathways for the future.  If you have been wandering around over the last few years, increasing self awareness, developing connection and a sense of sprituality as well as strengthening in your ability to express and be yourself - then this year gives you an incredibly strong line of thread, to start bringing together your life picture together.  Beyond find pieces of a puzzle, this year supports the playful creativity required to bring a picture of your life, your choice together.  Though many parts of the year will be rushed and feel urgent, this creative space will float along separate to the urgency.  Like your own personal cloud which can, if you enjoy it, be a personal haven for your own life, your own craft space.  The upside is that it will be completely available and open to you, anytime.  However, it is not a community nor shared space.  It is not a life project space that is open to others, because it is just yours.  For people who still find they want the input of others to know who they are, this may leave you displaced and flung about.  To change this, you only need to ensure you can draw a line between group time and solo time, bringing a sense of comfort and 'being ok' to each space separately.

In summary, this year is a time for curiosity and discovery and play.  To remain stable and strong, you need to know what you want, who you are and where you are at.  There is no problem not having answers, but stress, fear or a desire to control things will not steer things in your direction.  Releasing these emotions will find you closer to calm....and this may take practice and be contrary to how you have lived.  Find your curiosity and your will easily find the answers and pathways which you have been looking for, for some time.

Let me know if you like reading about energetic reflections.

Best wishes.
Enjoy :)