Wednesday 9 September 2015

Confidence - It's as easy as lipstick

For Eleanor Pendleton feeling flat and lacking confidence is sorted out as easily as lipstick. As long as you choose the right colour with your top.

But before you go out and buy a range of mood altering lipsticks to match your wardrobe, perhaps we should just double check that it is the solution for your day.
I would say that feeling flat, low in energy and maybe a little unmotivated does not mean the same as feeling a lack of confidence, self doubt and worried that others may not give you the time of day or respect.

Lipstick may be an ultimate pick me up, but realistically not applicable (get it?!) in all settings.  John may step into the conference room positively beaming with his new cherry pout, but may be setting himself up for an ultimate confidence tester when colleagues forget how to talk with him, or ask him for tips about the new L'OrĂ©al range, of which he has limited knowledge.
Or are you unsure whether you were right to say yes to your daughter going out this weekend, after an argument which was not resolved? Well, I'm not sure scribbling "did i do the right thing?" in luscious pink on her bedroom door will do much to resolve the feeling of self doubt.
In the end - whether you need a pick me up, or whether it is a doubt you are trying to settle, the answer and calm can only be found within.

At those times, you need to tune in to the quietest of voices, your heart. Ask a simple question and your heart will give you a simple answer. Take it, this answer is yours and always true - even when it doesn't make sense, don't discard it - just handle it with respect and care.

When starting a heart connect - it may feel strange, kind of weak and leave you feeling a little confused about what to do next. Just like the start of any relationship, there are likely to be more questions and curiosities.
If for you, listening to your inner voice isn't the problem, but acting on what you hear is. Then practice treating every message with respect and care, instead of throwing out the ones that don't make sense or that you don't like or know what to do with, just start acknowledging that they are yours. That what comes from the heart is valuable. Let those answers be. Store in a cool, dry place like any lipstick or (for a less glamour example) like workman tools. You may not use it today, but treated well, it will be there to call on when you need it.

Chronic self doubt is only the result of having little internal truth to call on.

Your heart can guide you in almost every decision in your life, but it takes time, practice and patience to establish a strong and reliable connection.

Until then, there is always lipstick!